person writing a blog on a laptop

Blogging is dead. At least the blogging that once dominated the online world and filled our feeds with personal stories, rants, and life updates. In today’s digital age, that kind of content has been replaced by social media.

But is blogging really dead? Not at all. In fact, blogging is still as relevant as ever – at least when done correctly.

Key Stats About Blogging

  • Over 600 million blogs are on the internet today; we expect this number to continue growing in the coming years.
  • Customers tend to spend 3x more time reading blogs than reading emails.
  • 77% of all Fortune 500 companies now maintain a company blog for marketing purposes.

How to Make Your Company Blog Successful and Relevant

So what makes blogging so effective for companies? Blogs are a great way to raise your search engine rankings, as they generate inbound links and drive traffic to your website. So if you’re a business looking to increase your site traffic or overall brand awareness, blogging is definitely still relevant in 2024. Below are a few tips on creating a successful blog that will keep your customers coming back for more.

1. Focus on SEO.

Search engine optimization (or SEO) is essential when blogging. Optimizing your blog posts for relevant keywords and naturally incorporating them into your content can increase your search engine rankings, giving you more unique website visitors.

2. Create unique, quality content.

Some people may tell you that you need to produce as much content as possible to gain the traffic and visibility you’re looking for. And while it’s true that your site will have a better chance of ranking higher in Google if you have more posts (because if you have 50 articles, that gives you 50 opportunities to rank), you shouldn’t flood your blog with low-quality posts.

Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that is unique and engaging. Whether that means writing in-depth posts or creating videos, infographics, and other visual content – quality posts will outrank substandard recycled posts.

3. Make it skimmable.

Your blog visitors are busy people, so they likely won’t read your content in-depth. (I bet you’re skimming this article yourself – looking at the headings and pulling out the most important points.)

One way to make your blog more skimmable is by breaking up your posts into short, easy-to-read sections and using headings and subheadings. In addition, don’t be afraid to use bullet points or bold important text – these are great ways to help your readers quickly scan through your post for the information they need.

4. Create CTAs.

Lastly, remember to include calls-to-action (CTAs) in your blog posts. Whether you want readers to sign up for your newsletter or contact you for a quote, having clear callouts at the end of each piece of content is an easy way to drive business growth.

periscopeUP Can Help You With Your Content

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to create a successful and engaging company blog that will keep your customers coming back for more!

And if consistently keeping up with a company blog is outside your wheelhouse, the team at periscopeUP can help. We offer SEO and content services designed to help your business grow.

So if you’re ready to take your online marketing game to the next level, give us a call today or send an email to We’d be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started on the path to success.


By / Published On: June 18th, 2024 / Categories: Blog, Content, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO /

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