Mobile SEO Services
Mobile Search Engine Optimization
A seismic shift has occurred. The total time spent on the Internet using mobile devices now outpaces time spent on desktops.
Today, the average US adult user spends 3 hours and 35 minutes on their mobile device each day. Is your business in the right position? Can you be found on the right device at the right time when prospects search for your products and services? Ranking high on PCs and laptops does not guarantee high rankings on smartphone searches. A mobile-specific strategy is required to compel the mobile decision maker.

periscopeUP polishes your mobile presence with:
We firmly believe that an effective mobile SEO strategy is key to the long-term success of your website. More than ever people are using their mobile devices to find the products and services they are looking for. Our goal is to get you the best visibility possible for the most relevant search queries and improve your overall digital marketing ROI.
We can provide digital marketing expertise that contributes to top-line revenue growth at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time employee. Call us at 443.475.0787 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.
Improve Visibility
Good mobile SEO translates to more prominent rankings so that potential customers find you first.
Higher Conversion Rates
Effective mobile SEO drives organic site visits, which tend to be better targeted and further down the funnel than those from other channels.
Better ROI For Marketing Budget
Successful mobile SEO translates to a greater percentage of quality leads from the organic channel at a lower cost of acquisition compared to paid channels.
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Mobile SEO Case Study – Financial Services Site
The positive results shown in the graph below illustrate how mobile SEO optimization can translate to gains in organic sessions and conversions from mobile visitors. A site that ignores mobile SEO optimization may be inadvertently turning away mobile visitors.
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Reading And Resources