WordPress Website Maintenance2023-07-13T16:47:31+00:00

WordPress Maintenance Services

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WordPress Website Maintenance

Let us take care of keeping your website up-to-date and running smoothly. Use WordPress maintenance services to provide an optimal user experience and ensure your website reflects favorably on your brand.

There’s no secret why over one-third of websites are built using WordPress – this CMS is adaptable, supports a variety of media types and is easy to scale. But, in order to keep functioning as intended and guard against security threats, every WordPress site requires continuous monitoring and regular updates. Let periscopeUP take care of your WordPress website maintenance, and free yourself up to focus on the important work of running and growing your business.

Woman facing away from camera sitting on laptop working on a WordPress website.
Image of a laptop, plant and a mobile phone with Wordpress on the screen.

We pride ourselves on being speedy and accurate

Our WordPress Maintenance Services team will ensure your site is regularly backed up. We’ll also check for and take care of periodic core WordPress and plug-in updates and will make sure your website’s security is always up to date. Our team prides itself on a speedy response time – we will get any text or content modifications or new pages or posts published quickly and correctly.

  • More phone calls.
  • More form submissions.
  • More content downloads.
  • More online purchases.

 Improve your site’s visibility, user experiences and conversions with services such as:

  • Check for and install WordPress updates.
  • Check for and configure or update plug-ins.
  • Monitoring and addressing any downtime alerts.

  • Make updates or edits to on-page content, metadata, images, forms and notifications.

  • Scan for and update broken links.
  • Identify and redirect crawl errors.

  • Monitor site speed.
  • Regularly review website health, plugins, updates, security and accessibility.

periscopeUP is your WordPress website maintenance expert. We will act as an extension of your internal team, making updates and edits to your website as needed and making sure your site is secure and frequently backed up. A site that loads quickly, is secure and easy to navigate will be rewarded with greater visibility in search results. Don’t spend your valuable time doing website updates – we’re here to help.

We can provide digital marketing expertise that contributes to top-line revenue growth at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time employee. Call us at 443.475.0787 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.


Better User Experience

Good WordPress maintenance results in a website that always has up-to-date information, functions as intended and is easy to navigate.

Improved Visibility

Good WordPress maintenance ensures a technically sound website that meets best search engine practices, translating into higher rankings.

Elevated Brand

Good WordPress maintenance results in a website that accurately reflects and enhances your brand attributes and amplifies your brand identity.

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WordPress Maintenance — Entertainment Booking Site

The positive results shown in the graph below illustrate how WordPress maintenance services translate into gains in rankings and organic sessions. In addition, a well-maintained WordPress site increases the efficiency of content generation and leaves a website owner with more time to focus on business growth.

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