artist type person looking at laptopEven if your company is a graphic design studio, you don’t need to be creative to generate awesome content. What your audience really wants is value. What’s one of the best ways to do this? Tell then what you do and how you do it. Simple.

Generate great content and get noticed. Call us at (443) 475-07787 or Contact Us.

If you talked to a friend about a great new pizza joint in town, how would you describe it? You could say, “Yep, it’s really good.” But if you really wanted to inspire your friend to visit the place, you’d spice things up a bit.

You might say:

“The guys went there last Thursday after softball practice. We were starved. The place was kind of crowded, but it was worth the wait. You should see how much cheese they pile on their pizzas! You know how much Tom can eat, well, he only could get down four slices. Huge! Plus the beers were served in frozen mugs. Nice touch.”

See the difference? Yes, you used more words and more descriptions, but all you really did was tell a narrative about your night out. You didn’t invent a fiction novel. Instead, you just told them what you did.

What You Know Has Value

In the business world, people often lack experience. So if you tell them what goes on behind the scenes at your place, it gives them value. Simply documenting what you do and the insight it provides has value. If your customers like you, they’ll be interested.

For SEO purposes this is good too. As more content relevant to your industry populates your website, the more search engines like you. You don’t even have to go keyword crazy, since they’re probably already built in. Google finds synonyms and similar phrases automatically these days.

Let’s say, you’re the pizza place. You could develop a narrative about how you came across your secret sauce. You might even give away the ingredients list (but not the measurements!). This way, when someone goes to look for secret pizza sauces, your brand might show up. You could talk about how to choose cheese and how to spot the best toppings providers. If your brand positions itself as the go-to pizza making authority, how valuable would that be to your brand? Pizza makers out there will be thankful for the insight.

If you simply document what you do every day, someone out there will find it valuable. Plus, it helps establish you as a trusted name in your space. How much easier can it be?

Any Brand Can Do It

If we take the graphic designer example, we can see how this concept can be applied to any business. For graphic design you might make a video about the design software you love to use and why. You might share where you get your inspiration, such as famous artists, brands or marketers. And obviously any stories about clients that killed it by using your services is a no brainer. Again, there’s really no need for creativity here, just tell how it happened. This guarantees your content is 100% authentic.

So stop rewriting what’s been rewritten 100s of times already. Instead, share your daily adventures and bring them the value.

Write your success story. Call us at (443) 475-07787 or Contact Us.

By / Published On: December 28th, 2017 / Categories: Blog, Content, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy /

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