I’ve been involved as a beta user of Yield Software for almost a month and am pretty impressed. These guys have done a great job of making a hard problem seem easy.  I just got off a call with their Director of Product marketing who walked me through their updated user interface.  They made some nice changes to make it even easier to use and get started, even for people who have little experience in search engine marketing.

Yield Software is one of the many tools I use to optimize content and campaigns. It brings together three great optimization technologies: Pay Per Click campaign optimization (across Google, Yahoo! and MSN), Search Engine Optimization (with suggestions on how to improve on-page SEO), and my favorite, a Landing Page Optimization tool (with multivariate testing).

I’ve tested out the PPC and LPO components on one client account, and so far I’m very happy with the results. It gives me the flexibility, as a professional, to apply my knowledge on top of their optimization algorithms. It also saves me a ton of time, and I’ll be setting up two more clients on it next week.

Yield is still in beta, but will hopefully be ready for GA soon. It will add tremendous value to those of us who like to automate wherever possible.

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