Update: You can listen to the show here. It originally aired on 11/11/14.


AHA! Business Radio: Every Tuesday at 6PM on CBS 1300, host Allan Hirsch provides information to help listeners run their business and guide decision making. Tonight (11/11/14), Allan and Dan will discuss ways to make a website more effective, including:

  1. Taking personal responsibility for the success of your website
    1. Know at the least how many leads your site has gotten last month
    2. Don’t expect that your team / vendor is “taking care of it.”
    3. Business websites should serve the sales team
  2. Tracking and reporting
    1. Ensure analytics is configured properly
    2. What webstats Business owners should track
  3. Increasing visitors
    1. Google Organic / Content development
    2. Paid Advertising (PPC, Banners, re-marketing)
    3. Social Media
    4. LinkedIn
  4. Increasing conversions (the number of people who call / fill out forms, etc)
    1. Do you have a page for each service line?
    2. Is your phone number prominent on every page
    3. Are you giving users a reason to call (Call To Action)
    4. Examine user behavior: are people going to your conversion pages?
    5. Test your messaging over time to improve “conversion rate”

Listners can sign up for periscopeUP’s marketing tips and download our free eBook titled: The Top Ten Mistakes That CEOs And Business Owners Make With Their Websites (And What To Do About It) that explains these issues in more depth: https://www.periscopeup.com/blog/search-engines-and-a-website-outage/

By / Published On: November 11th, 2014 / Categories: Blog, Marketing Strategy /

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