This one’s for Fritz, who asked us why we’ve been so quiet lately.

Why Does A periscopeUP Website Generate More Leads?

On sales calls, Eric-our-sales-guy often gets asked why the websites we build are able to generate so many leads. It’s not a simple question to answer to prospects who don’t understand interactive lead generation or technical website bable, plus there’s A LOT that goes into a website to get it to perform. Without giving away our secret sauce, here’s what we make sure to cover on every website build.

Website Planning Stage is Thorough and Effective

  • Competitive analysis
  • Research your prospect’s search behavior
  • Keyword strategy for every page
  • Test different messages to see which is more effective

Website Content Is More Than Brochureware

  • Effective sales copy – a website should talk like your sales team
  • Strong calls to action. Give me a reason to call
  • Features & benefits selling, including your Unique Selling Proposition (why should I buy from you?)
  • Optimized to get you high in search engines
  • Compels people to take action. How will you help the customer sleep at night? (It’s about them, stupid!)

Designs That Drive Leads, Not Just Build Brands

  • Prominent phone number in header
  • Unique designs that draw attention to the unique selling proposition
  • Our proprietary design process makes it easy to capture your vision
  • Easy to use and navigate architecture – KISS
  • Optimized to get people to take action

Technology Gets Rewarded by Search Engines

  • XML Sitemaps notify search engines every time you update content
  • HTML coding optimized for Search Engines
  • W3C and 501(3)c compliant code
  • Optimized for speed – fast loading sites

Consulting Helps You Get The Most From Your Website

  • Monthly review of statistics & user behavior
  • Help you gain understanding of your market and potential for more leads
  • Increase monthly traffic with inbound links & fresh content
  • Increase monthly leads with testing and website updates

Free Consultation

If you want to learn more about how we can drive leads and sales from your website, call us for a free consultation: (443) 475-0787 or fill out the form to the right.

By / Published On: January 27th, 2010 / Categories: Blog, Marketing Strategy / Tags: , /

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